DaturaStyle™ Bellydance (Sundays)
January Session (3 classes). All levels, beginner friendly dance class. In-Person & Online.
Available spots
Service Description
Classes will meet LIVE via ZOOM or in-person at 11:15am PST on Sundays. Recordings will be sent out shortly after upload and will be available for 7 days. If you wish to attend in-person, please email mindfulbellydance@gmail.com for details. In this 60 min. beginner friendly dance class we will explore Datura Style™ inspired bellydance technique through various drills, studies, combos and games. I invite you to come dance and explore some of the amazing things your body is capable of in this body affirming safe space. Benefits: - Learn belly dance techniques while exploring how the movements feel in your unique and ever changing body. - Increase balance & coordination. - Improve brain function and boost memory through stimulating movement. - Learn dance musicality. - Learn how to care for your body before and after dance
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Please book mindfully and as there are no refunds or prorations offered. Online class registration closes 4 hours before class start time. If you need to register after it closes, please email mindfulbellydance@gmail.com
Contact Details
Hillsboro, OR, USA